He is YOUR President

I have been very quiet about the recent election and have kept my opinions to myself about everything has happened but I have had enough of all the name calling, the crying, the feeling be “hurt” and people needing a “safe space” because they don’t know how to express their emotions.  

It’s sad that people think that throwing a temper tantrum on TV is going to change anything. If it didn’t work when you were 5 years old why would you think it would work now. You just look stupid. And if you think you need a safe space, go home. That’s your safe space, the confinements of your OWN home, not some building I have to help pay for because I pay my taxes. And if you need help, go see a theorist, they can help you with you “hurt feeling” and your cheering for someone who wants to bomb the White House. It’s just not ok anymore, go get a job and work like the rest of us hard working middle class Americans. Enough is enough. 

Now, with that being said, I am all for practicing your 1st amendment, I’m doing right now. And I and blessed and honored to live in a country where EVERYONE has has the freedom to do so. There are still countries where women aren’t allowed to say what they believe because they will be abused or worse for going against their husbands or fathers. But that doesn’t give you the right to go out and burn cars, chain yourself to the outside of a capital building, smash in windows of stores and coffee shops, and it most definitely doesn’t give you the right to threaten someone’s life. Those are all criminal acts and you will get punished for them so don’t act all surprised when it does happen. 

But here it is, a BIG and an actual FACT


If you live in the United States of America, you are just going to have to deal with it for the next 4-8 years if you like it or not. So just suck it up, grow a pair, and for all you radical feminists out there, who think that an anti-Trump match is going to do anything, put your big girl panties on and deal with it. You all need to start acting like adults. It doesn’t matter if you agree with what President Trump says, because quit frankly I don’t agree with everything he said he is going to do, but you do have to accept this fact so get over yourself already.

 Obama was leaving either way so stop your crying and your whoa-is-me pity party. 

But for all of you who said you were moving to Canada, go ahead, good luck. You’re going to need it because FYI they have stricter immigration laws than we do and they don’t want your snowflake crying self in their country. But hey, you could try Mexico, it is warmer.   

XOXO, Katherine 

Shop till you drop

It’s that time of year again

Time to start planning holiday meals

Making a Christmas list

Sitting by the fire with hot chocolate while it snows

Decorating the tree with care

Time for oversized sweaters and flannels

(unless you live in the south where it’s still 80 degrees)

Now not saying all of that isn’t fun. Please keep in mind the sales associates at the stores you are shopping at this holiday season. Please be patient with them as you are checking out or are waiting to be checked out, they can only go so fast and huffing and puffing gets you nowhere.

 The associates are working longer hours and most retailers open on Thanksgiving, and it’s not at 3am anymore, so they have to work that day instead of being with their family. They don’t have an option of not going out and shopping like you the customer does. So please when they say a coupon doesn’t work, IT DOESN’T WORK. Don’t ask them to try again and then ask them to call a manager just so you can save a couple bucks. They know their merchandise and they know what will work and what won’t work when you use said coupon. Most store have the prices really low as it is, that’s how they get you in the store because who doesn’t want a pair of boots for $19.99 when they are originally $50. The coupon won’t work on something that low, that’s why there are exclusion to every coupon, not the associates fault you didn’t read them. And yes, they do have more jobs than just checking you out. They also have to clean the fitting rooms and put the clothes back where they go. Please don’t be rude and just leave the clothes on the floor that you tried on, they are on hangers for a reason, at least put them back on them.

They are hungry, tired, and probably want to go home and sleep.

As someone who works in retail I know what its like to be on the other side of the register with customers saying “oh I’m so sorry you have to work today” when the day is Thanksgiving. It gets under your skin but all you can do is smile and be pleasant even though you would rather be at home watching football and eating dinner with your family. It’s hard on us, and our families too. Trying to plan family things around our ever changing schedule is not a fun task.

I ask, we ask please be nice to the associates when you are in the store. We want you to enjoy you shopping trip. Just please this shopping season consider the feeling of the person on the other side of the counter. They too would like to enjoy the holidays.

till next time…



That time of year again cont……


The game is over.

You can hear Rocky Top from the river.

Tennessee pulled out a win against Florida, 38-28.

I still can’t believe it. Florida’s winning streak is finally over!!!

THE DUCK CAN PULL A TRUCK, and the duck will continue to do so.

With the Vols at Georgia next week coming off a loss to Ole Miss we might go 5-0.This win has given hope to so many fans including me. UT started this game very slow and it didn’t seem like their heads were in the game. When they came out after halftime they were like a different team. From making big plays down field to the defense not letting Florida make any big plays to keep their lead. I mean Florida get a first down till almost the end of the forth quarter.

The excitement at Neyland Stadium after that win is something that everyone has to experience. Where it be swaying in the stands as the band plays Tennessee Waltz or you are singing Rocky Top after a big play or touch down, you need to go at least once in your life.

But then again the saying goes ” slow and steady wins the race” and that’s pretty much how they played. Lets hope next week is just as good, if not better.

Till next time



That time of year again…

Today is the day…

Its’ the Tennessee Florida game.

The day we all get to see how purple Butch Jones gets.

The day the whole world gets to see just “how good” Tennessee really is.

We all get to see if a duck can pull a truck, if you know what that means.

Florida has beat Tennessee 11 years in a row and we are all watching to see if they can break the streak. An 11 year streak that has gone on far long for this Vols fan.

With that being said, Tennessee has to actually show up and play through the whole game. Not just the first half or the second half. The WHOLE game.

Now Tennessee has to stop relying on Josh Dobbs to do everything. I’m not saying he’s a great player because he’s not consistent with his throwing game, or any game for that matter. He holds on to the ball for to long, he either throws the ball to far or to short, or its to an invisible player and gets mad when no one catches it. I’m not saying he always has bad plays, if he did Tennessee wouldn’t be racked #14 three games in. I will say this about him though, he needs to start yelling and getting mad at the offensive line when they don’t come up with good plays, he needs to rally them together and get them hype. Tennessee’s offensive line though needs to step up and defend Dobbs instead of getting beat by the defense almost every single play. The receivers have to actually catch the ball and hold on to it. If they fumble the ball on big plays they aren’t going to win. Their defense on the other hand has to hold off Florida from making any big plays and keep up with Florida’s receivers. which they didn’t during Florida’s first drive and that’s how the scored so soon.

Now for Florida, with their starting QB out they have to make the big plays or just let TN make mistake after mistake and they will win no question asked. Their defense has to be stronger and get through TN offence, which shouldn’t be that hard. They just have to not get worn out and not get hurt. They just have to hold on the football because TN is known for recovering fumbles.

It hurts me to say it but Florida is a good team, and this is probably one of the biggest games in the SEC besides the Alabama game which will probably be a lose too. This game will show TN true colors on how they will play the rest of the season, how they play in conference games and where their mindset is going into the game.

The first half of this game TN has not shown up and I am really wondering where their heads are at. Did they go into this game knowing they were going to lose? Where they not prepared for this game? Do they even care if they win? As a Vols fan I don’t see them winning this one and its only half time, I know there are 2 more quarters left but its just not a good game for TN. They have dropped one to many passes that should of been caught, some even for a touchdown, and they look like they don’t have any momentum. Once again, it may not be their year. Even though we have all been promised that for like the past 3 years.



Mid-Year Review (because I’ve been busy)

Where to begin…

Well, nothing has really changed. I still live at home, going to work everyday, and I help out the boutique I interned at on Saturdays when the owner ask me. I wrecked my car on my birthday, so I had a great one this year. Not a very exciting life for a 24 year old, I must say but when your friends are still in school, and the ones you have at home have jobs like you and a family, you don’t really go out that much.

A good thing at work, I got a raise in February at work so that helps some. It was only a .21 cent raise though ( you have to love corporate). I still like my job, sometimes its frustrating but for the most part I do enjoy it.

Some interesting things, I’m going to be in a wedding in August. The bride is such a great friend, I love her to death. The odd thing  about our relationship is we didn’t like each other when we first met, and we will both tell you this. We met at work when I moved to a different department and I had to work with her/take items back to her area. She will say I came off like a snob, but I promise I’m not, I just take awhile to warmup to people.

Another exciting this is that, as a family, we will be going to Walt Disney World…. I repeat Walt Disney World some time in February. After I get done with inventory and clean up from the Holiday Season at work. The last time we went I was in… 6th grade I think. But we did go to Disneyland during Christmas break my senior year of high school. We will also go to Universal, which will be a first for us, and I get to be a REAL WIZARD. I can not wait to go. I told a guy at work the other day, who is an annual passholder and goes at least twice a year, that I’m glad we are going now that I’m older so I can appreciate everything more, especially the different pavilions at Epcot. All the different countries and food, oh and of course the new Frozen ride. You cant forget about that.  

Well that’s all from me for now, till next time

XOXO Katherine


Lets start something new

Hi guys,

Well I have decided to start my own blog, not sure how it will all work out but I’m interested to see where this takes me. This blog is pretty much going to be about all things fashion, probably some food, and really anything that I have a passion for.

To start it all off, I’m just going to tell you about me. It’s not all that exciting but here we go.

I’d like to think I’m just your average everyday girl living in Nashville trying to fSDC10061 (2)igure out life and where I’m headed. I live at home with my parents and little brother, trying to save every penny I can while paying off school loans. I graduated from The University of Tennessee at Martin, for the ones that don’t know where that is, it’s in West Tennessee, with a degree in Fashion Merchandising. While there I got to take a spring break trip to Paris, France so I can thank UTM for my love of Paris now and the longing to go back. We went to the Louvre Museum, Versailles, Notre Dame, and the Eiffel Tower along with a fashion house that had everything from the 20’s to now. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.  Also, I was one of the student ambassadors for our department, along with FMA (Fashion Merchandising Association). I was able to help with a fashion show we did for a group of students and staff about “Dressing for Success” and the do’s and don’ts surrounding the subject. I was also able to go to Atlanta and the Atlanta Apparel Market, along with a tour of the CNN building, Saks Fifth Avenue and the IKEA store.

Being at the market helped fuel my dream of opening my own store one day. My internship at a boutique here in Nashville also fuel my dream because I got t10415968_10202147475517482_2049707098_oo go back to the Atlanta Apparel Market with the owner of the shop and help pick out merchandise for her store, which was a different experience than the first time I went. Going and having to think about “would the customer like this” or “would Ms. Donna buy this certain piece of furniture ” was something I really never thought about till then. It’s different and somewhat hard because you can go in and pick out items you like or want because at the end of the day you aren’t the one buying it. You have to put your taste and style on the back burner and think about those loyal customers you have and what they like and want. Something else you have to think about is the cost of the items because once you get them shipped to your store, you have to raise the price so you can make a profit off of it because you can’t sell it at the price you paid for it. When you go to market everything is at wholesale price so the price is lower so you can get more merchandise within your budget. To some people it might seem overwhelming all the planning and the time you put in to it all but I love it, being able to go and buy what I want for the store instead of having a team of people like they do for the big retail chains, it refreshing because you can go in with a certain customer in mind and be like Ms. Sally will like this or Ms. Ann was just talking about how she was wanting something like this. Something else I love about having my own shop it that I can display the merchandise however I want it, instead of going by what the company wants the look of the store to be.

  Now for what I’m doing with my life. I am working at one of those big retail chain stores as the Visual Merchandiser. I actually started there a little over a year ago as an associate in the shoe department, then moved over to accessories as a full timer. Then in October of this past year I stepped in to the12028717_10204820622304382_5430272711570398081_o visual merchandiser position. Now while I have had some experience with doing visual because of some classes at school and working at the boutique, this is a whole different ballpark. I have learned a lot within the past 3 months but I know I have so much more to learn. It helps knowing I have some great co-workers and managers that help me out when I need it because there is only one of me and a really big store I have to make look good. I have also made some friends and know that they have my back no matter what. I really work with some great people. I’m not saying this job is easy because its not. It’s been very stressful at time and I have had to wear a lot of different hats. My job requires me to dress all the mannequins in the store along with changing all the signs in the store when we have a sale or special even coming up. Now some of the brands we carry don’t some with guidelines but some of them do so I have to go by what they want. Being able to have some creativity within my job is nice because I can use our new merchandise and show it off for our customers.

Until next time,

XOXO Katherine